Bulldog Fans,
Fanúškovia Bulldogs,
I am excited to report to you our post game preview from last weeks game versus the Žilina Warriors.
Teším sa, že Vám môžem podať správu o poslednom zápase Bulldogs proti Žiline Warriors.
One week after our bye week the Trnava Bulldogs (2-1) faced the Žilina Warriors (1-1) in what would be the Bulldogs 3rd home match. With it being the first time playing the Warriors on the regular season, as Head Coach I did not know what to expect for the opposing team, only the information gathered from watching film of the Warriors versus other opponents. The Warriors a team that played in the Slovak Championship last season could not be taking lightly so our 2 weeks of preparation was needed and used well. I felt our guys again showed more maturity and promise during our 2 weeks of practice, showing a level of understanding and focus on their next opponent. During film session I notice players are asking the correct questions and communicating well with their coaches on how to be effective and productive. The organization of practice and team chemistry during practice has also improved with the players, they are showing up earlier and preparing themselves physically & mentally for an intense practice. As Head Coach or in any leadership position it is always great to see things like that from your team and coaching staff.
Týždeň po našom Bye weeku sa v treťom domácom zápase stretli Trnava Bulldogs (2-1) proti Žiline Warriors (1-1). Nakoľko to bol náš prvý zápas v sezóne proti Žiline Warriors, ako hlavný tréner som nevedel, čo očakávať od súpera. Jediné informácie sme zozbierali z videa Žiliny proti iným súperom. Žilinu ako finalistu 2 posledných finále slovenskej ligy sme nemohli brať na ľahkú váhu, naše 2 týždne sme potrebovali na prípravu a aj ich využili. Mal som pocit, že naši hráči počas týchto 2 týždňov ukázali opäť viac vyspelosti ako aj pochopenia a sústredenosti na ich nasledujúceho súpera. Počas rozboru videa som si všimol, že hráči začínajú pokladať tie správne otázky a komunikujú so svojimi coachmi ako byť produktívni a efektívni. Rovnako sa zlepšila aj organizácia tréningov a chémia tímu, hráči prichádzajú skôr na tréningy a mentálne ako aj fyzicky sa na ne pripravujú. Z pozície hlavného trénera alebo akéhokoľvek lídra, takéto veci od hráčov a coaching staffu vždy potešia.
Sunday, May 6th the Bulldogs put on a show for fans and future Bulldog players. The game started out with both team battling for the first of the game with the Bulldogs attempting multiple field goals they were out of reach. As the Žilina Warriors tried to use multiple offensive weapons to move the ball but had no luck doing so.
V nedeľu, 6. mája 2018, Bulldogs pre svojich fanúšikov a budúcich hráčov pripravili show. Začiatok zápasu sa niesol v znamení snahy oboch tímov získať prvé body, Bulldogs sa neúspešne pokúsili o niekoľko field goalov, zatiaľ čo Žilina sa snažila využiť viacero zbraní vo svojej offense, no neúspešne.
The Bulldogs strike first with a receiving touchdown in the 1st quarter from QB-Jukab Lenovsky to WR- Tomas Nemec. Bulldogs lead (6-0) with a confident defense stepping onto the field. After several drives offensively on both sides the Warriors are at midfield with only a few seconds remaining before halftime, and the ball is intercepted and returned for a Touchdown by Kubo Melichar putting the Trnava Bulldogs up (13-0) going into halftime.
Prvé body nakoniec ukoristili Bulldogs v prvej štvrtine passovým TD od QB – Jakuba Lenovského na WR – Tomáša Němca. Bulldogs viedli 6-0 a na ihrisko nastupovala sebavedomá defense Bulldogs. Po niekoľkých neúspešných driveoch oboch útokov sa Warriors dostali do stredu ihriska len niekoľko sekúnd pred koncom polčasu, keď Jakub Melichár zachytil interception a vrátil ho do touchdownu, čím dal Bulldogs do vedenia 13-0 v polčasovej prestávke.
During halftime we focused on making more plays and not allowing our opponents to make any big plays. I mentioned to the team that we had the same opportunity to win and destroy a previous team, but we did not handle our business correctly and we loss. It is job the finish the game and come out with a Win!
V polčasovej prestávke sme sa sústredili na to, ako sa zlepšiť v offense a ako v defense nepustiť žiadne big plays súpera. Pripomenul som tímu, že už sme v rovnakej situácii boli proti Steelers, ktorú sme nezvládli a zápas prehrali. Je našou úlohou zápasy dokončiť a vyhrať!
On the next 2 quarters of competition the Trnava Bulldogs scored a total of 24 points. The most points in the second half and during the season for the Bulldogs. The offense come out and run the ball well. Rookie Running back Adrain Vargoncik rush for two TD for over 85+ yards. As the offense continued to dominate the 3rd and 4th quarter RB/WR-Jakub Fancovic had 1 rushing and 1 receiving touchdown.
V nasledujúcich 2 štvrtinách zápasu Trnava Bulldogs skórovala dovedna 24 bodov. Najviac bodov za druhý polčas a v sezóne Bulldogs. Útoku v druhom polčase vychádzala najmä behová hra. Rookie RB – Adrián Vargončík si pripísal 2 behové TD a viac ako 85 yardov. Ako offense dominovala v 3. a 4. štvrtine, tak si RB/WR Jakub Fančovič pripísal 1 behový a 1 passový TD.
The Trnava Bulldogs defense held the Žilina Warriors offense scoreless. With big hits and sacks on the Warriors Quarterback. When faced with a goal line stance late in the 4th quarter the Bulldogs defense denied the Warriors from scoring putting a stamp on the game making the Trnava Bulldogs the winners on the competition and now making the Bulldogs (3-1) and the Žilina Warriors (1-2).
Defense Bulldogs udržala žilinské skóre na čísle 0, zatiaľ čo si pripísala niekoľko sackov a veľkých hitov na žilinského QB. V 4. štvrtine sa defense Bulldogs dostala do goal line situácie, avšak aj tam zabránila útoku Žiliny skórovať a pridala tak čerešníčku na záver zápasu, keď rozhodla o výhre Bulldogs a skóre tímov Bulldogs(3-1), Warriors (1-2).
As the Trnava Bulldogs enter another by week before facing the Kosice Steelers (3-0) only undefeated team in 2 weeks. I wish to say a Head Coach of the Trnava Bulldogs, I am again proud of the Character and hard work of my team and coaching staff as well as our management and fans. We appreciate everyone who supports the Trnava Bulldogs American Football Club and those who support the Slovak American Football League. We look forward to preparing for our next opponent.
Po tomto zápase nás čakal opäť bye week pred zatiaľ neporazeným tímom z Košíc (3-0). Ako hlavný tréner chcem povedať, že som opäť hrdý na charakter a tvrdú prácu môjho tímu a coaching staffu ako aj náš manažment a našich fanúšikov. Vážime si každého, kto podporuje Trnava Bulldogs a SFL. Tešíme sa na nášho ďalšieho súpera.
Coach Sutton
Coach Sutton.
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